About Sara Jackly 


I am the author known as Sara Jackly, I am published with Archway Simon and Shuster, I am also a Youtuber a.k.a  Isreal Alma. I am set apart different in ways then others for many reasons. I am set apart, transformed by the teachings and calling of Jesus. Many are called few are Chosen. I have been Chosen for tasks that are grand in the bigger picture. Not as in the world as you know it today. But I have been chosen and called to be a sacrifice a living sacrifice of the Lord. I have given my will and life. I am a servant to the Lord, called to aid my brothers and sisters in service.  I do not desire financial gain, acceptance or false peace from this world in money, glory or praise. I wish Glory to be the only entity worthy of it, God. He is the only deserving Being.  

Isreal Alma and Sara Jackly 

are both names chosen at random 

My real name is irrelevant

I do not claim any rights to my legal name on this page 

Or any page

I love you and hope you enjoy my free Books.


Sara Jackly

Sara Jackly, CEO, Founder

Christian Author Jackly has given freely since her salvation. She created Helping people ministries to aid those who truly hurt and in hopes to lead her brothers and sisters home.


Our volunteers are helpful, kind, and caring. They grow relationships with communities we serve. Our family is never ending, we choose to see no strangers just brothers and sisters. Different mother same father.
We provide as much as we can for good reasons. People feel unworthy of love, acceptance or even peace. We want people to understand freedom, salvation and acceptance is one call away. But we are not the call to be made, we are simply the ones there to help hurting people realize they are one call away from God.


Founder, CEO

Hurting People, Helping People Ministry

Published Author, 

Archway, Simon and Shuster

The True Story Of A Women Redeemed Revived and Healed  

Behavioral/Mental Health 13 Years Experience

Peer Counseling

Mental and Behavioral Specialist 

i.e Addiction, Crisis, Children,

Spectrum Care, 

Forensic Treatment


Hospice, Guilt, Trauma, 

CBT Counseling,